7 Ways to Reset Your Home Each Sunday to Start Your Week Off Right

Say goodbye to the Sunday scaries with this reset routine.

The “Sunday scaries” are often associated with feelings of stress and anxiety that come with the start of a new week. No matter the stage in life, many experience the feeling of not being prepared for the week ahead, and people have taken to social media to share their “Sunday scaries” stories, with the term amassing more than 497 million views on TikTok.

Luckily, there’s a way to combat the daunting feeling of a busy week. Referred to as a “Sunday reset,” creating a routine can help you start your week on the right foot. Sunday resets typically consist of self-care, such as journaling or exercise, and cleaning your home. Try out this Sunday reset routine to get your home (and you!) in order for the new week.

1. Prep and Plan

Before starting your Sunday reset, set the stage by creating an atmosphere where you’ll feel motivated and productive. Light a candle, turn on music, or open a window—whatever makes you feel most relaxed and encouraged.

Then, grab a journal and start planning out your week. What meals will you make? Are you hosting any guests? Jot it all down to make your week seem less daunting.

2. Declutter Your Home

Begin your cleaning routine by going through each room and tidying up any spaces that collect clutter throughout the week. Pick up and put away any items on the floor, tables, or nightstands. Throw away trash that didn’t make it to the garbage, and fold blankets left on the couch or bed. Also, make sure to remember your fridge; clear out any old or expired food to make room for this week’s groceries. You’ll be surprised by how much of a difference this one step can make in how you feel about the week ahead.

3. Vacuum

Now that the floor is clear of clutter, start vacuuming. Make sure to go over any rugs or mats that get a lot of traffic throughout the day, shaking out the rugs outside if necessary. If your vacuum is not safe to use on hard floors, use a dry mop to pick up any pet hair or dust bunnies that may be hiding.

4. Do the Dishes

Another cleaning task that makes a big difference is washing dishes. Unload and load your dishwasher, and hand-wash pots or pans. While dishes might not be the most fun chore, you will feel much better Monday morning with a clean, empty sink rather than a dirty, overflowing one.

5. Wipe Off Surfaces

Next, wipe down the surfaces in each room, making sure to use cleaners that are friendly on your countertops, appliances, and sinks. If you prefer cleaning sprays over multipurpose wipes, clean the surfaces with paper towels or a microfiber cloth.

6. Wash and Fold Laundry

No one likes waking up in the morning with nothing to wear. To ensure you’re looking and feeling your best on Monday morning, gather your pile of dirty clothes and throw it into the wash on Sunday night. As tempting as it might be to leave your laundry in the basket, make sure to fold and put away all of your clothes to start the week with a clean, wrinkle-free closet.

7. Change Bed Sheets

There’s nothing like the feeling of climbing into a bed with freshly washed sheets. In order to get your best night’s rest before the new week, throw your sheets in for a wash or switch them out with a different set.

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